reposition possibility

reposition possibility

If I need you. With no be
Cause. Reason for words. I will

Continue; put everything I dream
Of being to you. With no existence

Otherwise, a thirsty desert flower.
Making you. Possibly. My favorite mirage.

If you see me. Eyes like roots
Extending from Earth. Braided green triangles.

Wrapped in wonder. Waiting for yes,
Listen closely. My lacerated larynx

Bleeding read words. Escape route
Scars. A lot of them yours. Responsibility

If I attempt. Care for careless.
Like slipping through fingers

That should hold me down. Lock me
In place. Puzzle fit longing. Cardboard snap.

Shape shift scenarios in our unseen world.
Like how you come to me in music. Low. High.

If you recognize. Red flags waving. Green light yellow.
How I cannot. Keep up. Cleaning muddy footprints

Off white carpets. Wall to wall care. Certain things
I will not be. Reasoning. Asking. Expecting.

I never stopped. When my body forfeits. Telling
All I wanted. Capability of condition. Something

Might come over you. Too suddenly. Convince
Me. My maybes and ifs never stopped being.

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