the stories, mate.

Namaste blog tribe

I’ve been story-ing lately. I wrote enough love poetry and somewhat nestled back down to earth. It seems like I have stewed long enough and it’s time for another story project!

Since taking a break from daily blah-ging, I’ve had time to actually reflect on the life I lived over the past few years crusading from Australia to New York City and smacking myself down in Manhattan’s middle guts.

I am not an essayist and I don’t write non-fiction short stories. I do let what I sense every day and dream about form my story bits. And let me tell you, no place takes over your senses like New York City.

In two days I depart for the first vacation (which does not involve squatting in my parents’ basement) that I have had since I got back to NYC from Melbourne via Berlin. That trip has enough experiences to shape twenty stories in itself; alas, I digress.

So yeah. Me + vacation = upcoming story project!

When it comes to short stories, like poetry, I never have any clue what I’m going to be on about until my ink starts slashing characters on a page. But after all the lovey-dovey stuff I’ve been writing the past few months… I reckon it’s time for a bit of grit.

My story project starts a week from today, Friday – April 18, 2014. I can’t give too many details since it’s literally an organic project. Working title: New York City: This is Grit.

Stay tuned cult collective. I wish you a weekend of spring flowers and french kisses. And hip shaking. Here’s some Metrostation to get you stared.

See you in a week.

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