Since hitting my year of posting people occasionally ask, ‘So, what’s your “blog” about?’ And then I say something like, ‘Well… it has some writing, words, and then there’s New York City, oh and sometimes Australia.’
People do blogs about electronics, or Hollywood whores, world news, etc. Not me. When I started this off I didn’t even realize I was diving into this ambiguous information sharing method coined with the term ‘blog’.
Last night I had a few 3am phone calls of me sobbing into the telephone to various cult members about how, ‘I can’t believe I’ve been doing this for a year. I’m a failure. What am I doing?’
So I did a meditation to sort myself and considered what makes Writers different from other sorts. I mean, I firmly believe life is life – we’re all the same just different expressions. But obviously particular aspects set us on a unique path, like me and ink.
Since embarking on this mission I have a new understanding and appreciation of my creative processes. Of how experience penetrates my semi-consciousness and boils low until I shake, reform, and spill it into concrete pieces.
Further complicating this process are personal beliefs that extend beyond any acceptable formula of Experience + Creativity = Art. I believe in reincarnation. I believe in cross dimensional communications. I don’t believe in time. And I don’t believe in death.
Goodness me blog family… perhaps after a year of ranting and watching and absorbing I’m ready to shape that book after all…
Every day seems to be pointing to that. Back to work…