So I’ve been invisible a few days: editing, editing, editing. Usually, I immensely dislike editing. I look forward to when I am finally a sought-after creative word slinger with editors falling at my feet.
I need one.
Alas, being out of the city and working on Book has shifted how I think and work in wonderful ways. I’ve made it through 100 pages so far. It took me three days straight, and my lover having to cop more than his share of, “Shhhh! I’m working! HUSH!”
In other news, my blah-g has officially reached OVER THREE MILLION READS. It took about five years, madness.
I’ve said this before, but special love to the Feeders. The biggest group of readers in our land has new licks shot directly to inbox land. That means a lot to me. As someone who entertains a modest amount of fellow Earth dwellers, sporadically – having an international cult that’s been checking in from Australia to Manhattan to the paradise retreat I somehow landed at recently… I keep that close to me.
I’ll have a really bitchin book to dig super soon… that one I’ve been on about doing since like, 2009.
A big problem I have with editing my work is my literal obsession over each word and sentence. Being a Poet who also writes fiction and narrative work, I find the different voices weave together in a way I feel is proudly unique to my writing. But sometimes, I find these overly esoteric phrases slipping into a story where they don’t quite jive.
Hopefully the next 200 pages is a little smoother. I’m trying to be easier on mySelf.