Happy 2015 blog tribe!
Three days ago I packed my car with my scarce belongings: a collection of books and clothes; two puppies; and my man – and bounced.
For an indefinite period, I am nesting on a 37 acre farm, caring for the animals and keeping everything beautiful for an upcoming summer booked with love-fests. There’s a 200-year-old barn on the property, a river surrounding the block, and a pot-belly stove in my kitchen.
The contrast to my 9th Avenue apartment back in Manhattan is stark. The two places could not be more opposite – and I couldn’t be more thrilled.
Not only do I have time to write, it’s on my own clock. So, rather than be shackled for a frame of hours – I have a lot of freedom to experience a lifestyle I spent years working toward. It just sort of appeared at the exact perfect time and over a ten-day period, my life changed dramatically.
My favorite thing about drastic change, is that when you strip everything ordinary about daily life and accustomed routines, you’re left essentially with just yourSelf. Something disconnected in my life a few months ago, being here to reconnect and spread good-doing in between word slinging makes me think I should be asking people to pinch me.
I haven’t been doing that though. Tonight I made vegan chili that I served up with bread that I straight up baked today. I cuddled a pig named Churchill and fed a horse named Lily.
New projects are stirring, there are stories everywhere. 2015 is starting off as my favorite year yet…