For over a week now, a collection of cult associates have been sleeping in Zucotti Park in lower Manhattan during the peaceful gathering: #OccupyWallStreet. After a clip of the NYPD macing a group of women went viral yesterday, the event is getting a bit more news attention. However, considering the effort thus far, it has received poor main stream media coverage.
I think there are many reasons for this, none of them exactly right in my mind. Yesterday during the commotion there were eighty arrests in a crowd of approximately 2000.
I attended a general assembly tonight, a lot of the talk is how to deal with unwarranted police aggression. I think it’s disappointing that this is such a serious matter.
While the duration of #OccupyWallStreet remains uncertain, it is clear that a large number of people are trying to be heard and for some reason are being ignored by the media. Twitter, for example, refuses to trend #ourwallstreet or #occupywallstreet – even though at one stage I was refreshing over 70 new tweets discussing it every thirty seconds.
Regardless of what the week brings forward, everyone downtown deserve respect for maintaining a peaceful, productive, gathering for over a week now.
I wonder if the government is listening…