When I first learned to hold a writing instrument, I held one in each hand – right and left. My mother actually got called in to school because, “Gretchen should choose…”
This webpage started in 2009 as a daily “blah-g” used to track my progress toward becoming a self-sufficient, professional Writer in Manhattan – following a marriage breakdown after 8 years and close to a decade living in Australia, the closest place I’ve felt to home.
Over the years, the blah-g also became a world of written pieces, soul reflecting and love spreading. In 2016, early 2017 – I realized I needed a break. I also realized, as a sensitive creature – some syllables across these pages don’t need to be on repeat.
5 May 2017 I had the idea of re-releasing select posts – there are 1,458 I have to go through. I think revisiting these past years and creating a scrapbook will be inspiring. I look forward to fast-forwarding to now once I catch up with the reposts.
For those of you who have been here all of these years, the cult… the love tribe: I’m doing well. Slinging ink back in Australia, 2020 style.
All of my bags are packed though… some things never change.
all waves writing ritual traditions roots routes abuse heal squeal with ecstasy recall recoil re-oil folded all in with all different waves ever new old both under the Sun run go have fun even those who could never conceive
that is the greatest comment i have ever received, thank you daniel! namaste.
Jaysis Gretch! I leave you for a year and look what happens!!!! 🙂 Hope you’re well and 2013 is Cello Year
2012 is wrapping up wonderfully with your visit to this corner of mine 😀 All the best to you and yours Cathal!! Wonderful seeing you!