Namaste blog tribe
The news I was waiting for came through and for the past 48-hours I’ve been cloud walking, hyperventilating and beaming – all at once.
I’M GOING TO LOVE ANIMALS ON A FARM, KEEP THE PROPERTY BEAUTIFUL AND TEND TO LOVERS SWAPPING SUMMER VOWS! All the while I will be write Write WRITING and re-connecting with ourSelf… with future potential of helping others do the same.
There are no words to express the waterfall of emotions in me at the moment. For one, I’m in a bloody panic because I have to pull a car out of thin air over the next five days. But on the other hand, I’m still adjusting to what’s literally going down.
When I left my husband in Australia, I told him I was going to New York City to manifest the retreat I’ve envisioned essentially forever. To be invited to live at a sanctuary and contribute to the dreams it brings to life… it’s a bit unbelievable, actually.
Put simply, Azna/Om. There are so many higher power perceptions. At this stage of evolution, the only thing I know- regardless of what I’ve been dealt – is that God(less) is good.
I. (mean)