Namaste blog tribe
I spent some time yesterday cleaning up these parts. There were happy bits, sad bits, hilarious bits, and lots of other pieces as I sorted through a few months of life back in 2010.
As I approach my 850th post, there’s something surreal about reading number 100 – it’s like I was living an entirely different existence.
I suppose I literally was.
There were a lot of various reminders reading my life backwards. Some of them I welcomed, some of them I shunned. When I was talking with Patrick last week, we talked about the unique emotional honesty in posting personal blogs.
This has been, and continues to be, some ride my pretties.
While I certainly feel so much more balanced than I have, I know how much still needs to be done. I’m madly anxious to hear the direction the wind will blow next week to reveal the timeline of operation puppies, it will also enable me to chat about the secret that’s making my teeth chatter.
I really need to get it off my chest cult collective, it’s killin me! Alas, I have been zip-lipped for a few months about it… what’s a few more days?
Something else I think I need to clear up after all of my backwards reading is my divorce. I won’t be mentioning it anymore in these parts. But now that I’m done having a nervous breakdown, it’s only fair to mention in closure… we were equally horrible to each other, the only difference is that I wrote books about it… a few, actually.
Never the less, I will never love another soul the way that I love Luke.
Regardless if I’m reading my life backwards, or forwards.