4 thoughts on “BERLIN vlog

  1. This tugs at my heartstrings so much! You know I would have given anything to stay there with you, ishowing you around my favourite city, but I’m so happy to see your explorations. You saw the East Side Gallery! And an orchestra! Watching the Fernsehturm stretch over Berlin, our Alexanderplatz beacon for our apartment, is so bittersweet for me, especially now I’m back in Melbourne…but stories, stories, stories came our way, and that’s what travel – and life – is all about. I miss you X

    1. babe i sobbed through the symphony… i had to leave early. totally overwhelming and amazing… very Polish. i haven’t stopped talking about goulash. i love you. x (ps. wie Deutsch ist mit “Auf Wiedersehen” auf Ihrem Grabstein? wirklich?)

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