delineate sentient

delineate sentient He has a floating way of approaching And I lifted from the ground at first sight. A concept of not learning but knowing, Methods to certainty express white light. And he… and I… in this mix of madness Recognized memory, we both became An extended level none can practice. Realization that one can mean the same. Composing symphony awakenings, Trembling within arrival’s essence – To understand giving without taking....

nathan wills

Ever since one of my best friends, Nathan, killed himself 18 months ago - I simply have not been the same. Nathan and I were on this entirely different level, you see? I wrote my first poem inspired by him, How Far Gold Extends, in 2010. When I tell people how he did it, how Nathan stabbed himself twenty times, they cringe and say they don't want me to talk about it. And I understand how no one would want to hear such a macrebe story. But, I...

this thing about my ladies

Dear blog family Forgive my recent absence stint. I promise productive things have been occurring like words and wonders and entertainment and experiences. Love, lust, longing and lostness. All things that equivocate to decent writing most of the time. I've tried to update web-land like four times this week. I keep getting distracted. A good friend of mine says my brain doesn't stop and that I don't rest, I guess I'm starting to believe him....

business partner

Regular readers from way back when have likely read a rant or five about the Retreat I will open one day. I have this whole healing, creative, musical, organic farm land in mind. I think after my first marriage fell apart, I put it on the back burner. Because worse than losing a husband who was shitty to me anyways, I lost a business parter. A potential investor. I have had all kinds of crazy ideas to fund the Retreat from poetry books to...

ideas of and entrepreneurs

Namaste blog tribe I've been blessed to encounter a collection of Entrepreneurs as of late. I think it's sexy that New York City is a legitimate hub of passion and ideas and people willing to dedicate their life to such a creative, sky-is-the-limit approach to existence. I guess what I'm saying is that I have been more inspired than I have felt for a decent section of time. And we know how much I adore being inspired. I find times of inspiration...
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