R.I.P Syliva Browne.

While I was running around Colorado last week, I learned of Sylvia Browne's passing on 20 November, eleven days ago. Sylvia Browne lived a life to be celebrated. Cynics and skeptics were never her issue. While crowds of haters picked out every false prediction Sylvia made, she was writing amazing books about her experiences and opinions as a Medium - and starting a church. Regardless of how anyone feels about the nature of her work, Sylvia...

learning things. let’s all read.

Namaste blog tribe My current position involves reading financial statements, which are complicated. If you've never tried to read one, I encourage you to do so. I think a lot of humans around the world are so jaded by how global economies consumed the planet years back, they choose to turn a cheek to such information. I know I did for a minute there. Alas, now that I am back in New York City, it suddenly consumes me every day. It's unfortunate...

zipcar is a PR fail

Well blog family, I heard something back after my rant RE: Zipcar ripping me off for no reason. They reached out via Twitter:  I have since come to learn that Zipcar's idea of "someone being in touch about your concerns 'shortly'" = an innocent employee cold-dialing me 19 hours later because s/he heard that, "You wanted to talk about something…" Me: "Ummm… not really?" S/he: "Oh. Ok." Me: "Well, yeah. I guess that since I didn't lock my...

congrats you bought a zipcar

Zipcar sucks. Alright. So, back in July I mentioned when my zipcar was stolen. To provide some more background, I was with some kid I used to know on his birthday, essentially in the middle of nowhere, and some drunk bogans took the car for a joyride in the middle of the night. Totalled it. And somehow, miraculously, returned it to where it was parked. Here in America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, that means I get to pay...

my first proposal

I've been married twice, but no one has ever actually proposed to me. Right now, I'm working on my first proposal ever. I've learned not to rely on other parties to be involved in such an intimate process. So I'm doing the proposal all by myself. BOOK PROPOSAL TIME BLOG TRIBE! An author representative asked for a proposal or manuscript to bat up to the Editorial group. Yo... For the past week I have been book proposal-ing. You see, I've got...
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