
I woke up smiling today. For the first time since returning to the city in September, I decided to give myself a bit of credit blog family. I may not be published yet... my book may not even be finished... however... Over the past six months I've gone from climbing crooked steps in falling down buildings to watching the sunrise each morning from the comfort of my stunning abode. I took a series of beatings that landed me in therapy, bitched it...

kisses to earth

Writers have different preferences for how we work, quirky things we seek out. I have friends that require utter silence, I know people who love clicking keys in coffee houses or libraries. For me personally, my favorite place to write creative pieces is amongst a crowd. While sometimes I value the focus I gain in a quiet place - particularly if I'm editing, I prefer a bit of company. I think because I grew up in such a big family, I've become...

backwards reading

Namaste blog tribe I spent some time yesterday cleaning up these parts. There were happy bits, sad bits, hilarious bits, and lots of other pieces as I sorted through a few months of life back in 2010. As I approach my 850th post, there's something surreal about reading number 100 - it's like I was living an entirely different existence. I suppose I literally was. There were a lot of various reminders reading my life backwards. Some of them I...

healing pinnacle

Believe it or not blog family, my foot is still stuffed. It's better than it was, however irrational demands of evil creatures forcing unnecessary steps has not assisted the healing process. And I'm thankful for every wiggly-toed grimace. The low-key vibe of life that I've settled into over the past three weeks has truly reached a pinnacle. I'm assuming it's because of tonight's full moon. Yesterday I received an unexpected phone call related...
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