food and words

Growing up in a house of seven people with a Euro-mix mother, food was a basically the centre of my universe. As a kid, life is pretty much based around the next time you're getting presents and/or special food. That said, I never cooked anything until I was married. Being single and living alone in New York City means you never, ever have to cook... sigh, NYC how I miss thee... I've mentioned before I'm vego with frequent phases involving the...

what a ride!

From New York to San Francisco to Sydney to Brisbane... back to Australia I come! I am presently getting past the state of zombie that occurs when I somehow lose a day in the sky and the clock does all sorts of crazy things... hopefully by tomorrow I will adequately catch my breath. I returned to a cloudy sky and the remanence of some recent summer storms lingering in the air. The atmosphere feels sticky and is glowing an electric green unique...

a tribal gathering and some icy fish

Today was a busy day! My family days are numbered... in less than two weeks it is back to my oversized island somewhere in a far away world... This morning I went ice fishing, thank goodness no one caught anything! I grew up running barefoot up and down backwoods creeks, fishing was a natural part of the process. So even though I can no longer be strong at the sight of something wiggling on the end of a hook... I'll still go hang. ... it's just...

sometimes you just need candy and a dictionary

Last night I had to get out of the house. The more I think about how long I've been locked away with nothing but time and words... the more I'm amazed that I haven't gone insane... and I still haven't completely abandoned that theory. So I braved the below freezing temperatures yesterday evening to visit a sister who fed me candy love hearts and asked how my 'haikus' are going... no comment. That said, I borrowed a book from her husband titled...

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