Henry left Earth this morning. I picture him surrounded in gold light, somewhere far away with wings... in a place far superior to the lower vibrational land where you and I reside. I know it's cliche, but the ones that are left behind are always the ones that suffer indescribably. Like Peanut and I, for example. While I have been attempting to drown my tears in tequila, it has yet to prove successful. Although, at the rate my tears are pouring,...
Namaste blog tribe. For the past few days I've fallen off the scene desperately trying to nurse Henry back to health. As most of you are likely aware, Henry hasn't been well for a few weeks now. I believe the problem was brought on when he caught one of the disgusting, feral cats that roams Sunnyside after it made the unfortunate choice to jump in my yard. There was meowing, there was scratching, there was cat blood. I've brought Henry to two...
The last three Halloweens have been hectic. For example, Exhibit A and Exhibit B of village shenanigans - and the ever so popular double whammy parties of 2009. I consider Halloween to be extra special for many reasons. This year, I walked three miles to work (since Sandy ate the subway), three miles back... and then I had to take Henry to the vet again. Settling into another country hasn't been a simple task for my poor little baby. I know the...
Yesterday Timothy, myself and two small creatures wandered across the Queensborough Bridge. That's right blog tribe, the puppies totally did Manhattan. As suspected, they were very pleased to wander through Turtle Bay to the delight of Henry and Lily dancing for pats all the way. Manhattan residents don't try to look tough like Queens locals. They're more than happy to praise adorableness. The puppies were stopped by two new friends before we...