lest we forget

People often talk about not harping on the past because it makes progressing into the future that much more difficult. Political motives and/or disruption have never been enough for me to validate needless killing. The only thing I'm certain of, as has been stated previously in these parts, is that behind everything wrong in the world is a selected group of humans. Today was an ambivalent day of borderline feelings. However like every other day,...

cheers to 700 STRAIGHT. checkcheck.

Here's me raising my glass to the cult and toasting today's 700th CONSECUTIVE POST! I realize I make it look effortless... blogging every day ain't as easy as it seems. Neither is having fresh photos, trying to organize content, figuring out how to actually tell the world about our land here, and writing books in between. Good think I'm a magickal fairy princess... my wand has gotten a lot of use over the past 700 days. While I will spend today...

humans disenchant me

I’m looking forward to shifting from a position that isn’t as “media heavy” as my current day job and into more of a behind-the-scenes writer gig. As I state time and time again, newspapers make me sick. I don’t mean that in a symbolic way, they physically make me throw up, shed tears, and have all other sorts of negative reactions. I stand by my belief that the real purpose of life is love spreading. Do the best you can to love the...

light at the end of one tunnel. five weeks.

Life is a series of tunnels. I don't think it's about the light at the end of one tunnel per se, I reckon we all swim through a number of interlocked tunnel-ways with intermittent breaks of light along the way. New York City is basically a fire-y comet that has a few of my tunnels on flaming at the moment. The result of this remains to be a bit of, "Ummm... for real?" Yesterday my contract for my new gig arrived. I rolled my eyes over page after...

the official countdown

G'day gorgeous collection of cult 19 days. In 19 days, the soles of my feet will be on New York City soil. Unlike the other three trips that I have taken since October 2009 running around hollering, "COME ON! Someone... ANYONE!... Give me a JOB so I can finish my novel!" I have a job... I have a soul circle chairperson with a cozy couch waiting and a pair of keys to his apartment cut that jangle in my handbag whenever I'm out and about... I have...
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