buried fortune. the puppies are coming too.

The puppies are coming to New York City blog family. I trust this move is approved by our board of Cult. Sure this makes my life just that much more complicated in the long run, but hell, why not make it all a bit more difficult? You see, the puppies found me in Australia and have been looking after me in this foreign land ever since. Fortunately they have other family members and puppy lovers that tend to them during my international...


As much as I am enjoying the chaos brought on by wikileaks, I believe there is also a downside to the pleasure of watching governments be utterly exposed for stacks of corruption. People acting surprised. Many "Oooh can you believe that?" and "Did you hear about when they did this?" phrases are being whispered by populations still feeding systems because they feel they have no choice. And let's be real here blog family, unless there is a...

books. writing. writing books.

It's been a hot minute since I've gotten into what Writing projects I'm working on blog family. So here's an update: Mostly I'm kicking around my memoir-like-novel-ish work that's currently around 40 000 words with many random pieces still needing to be fit in. I reckon once I finish smacking all the loose ends together I'll be sitting on around 65 000 to be edited and aim to have it in some type of reasonable shape by February... so that's...

standing for itself. six figure spin.

I had three interviews today blog family. After recent difficulties readjusting to another Aussie foray, I pulled my head in, put on my grown-up clothes (once again) and hit the streets. Some of us may recall how I recently scored a job and had it ripped from under me slapping a somewhat murky layer of disenchantment to recent employment chasing activities. Granted the whole saving two lives thing was a decent enough excuse for getting played...

wait. did someone say new york city?

Because we all know how I feel about New York City... Ok, so here's the thing (few things...) After a ripper breakdown on Tuesday I wrote my life a letter that sounded something like this. Dear Life Why can't I have a job in New York City? And if you won't let me have a job in New York City, you should really at least give me a halfway decent one in Melbourne - to tide me over. I have sincerely appreciated my many weeks of sashaying the planet...
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