i love you blog family

Namaste blog tribe Please forgive the last few silent days. While just a few months back I landed in my current residence, as I mentioned a few days ago... it's move time. Inwood or bust. New apartment = puppies arrival. And since Richard Branson weaked out and clearly isn't going to help me out, it appears I'm on my own with this one. So to be true, for the past four days I have thought nothing but "APARTMENT!" I don't have any money to move......

mending restoration

mending restoration My shoulders rolled. To a back crack Today. For the first time. I thought Of you. And him. And life. And me. A solution of we. That you were never Part of. Belief in one life. Was Not good enough for your standard. He arrived. Strong hands. Carved back. Honest Like everything. You think you are Above. I rose. And fell. I skinned Knees. Elbows. Shins. Soul. While You allowed and gloated within how Tender my scrapes stay. And...

felt thoughts . where . yes

Namaste blog tribe Can you believe it's been over two weeks since I've shared anything other than poetry? Me? The daily blog-ette... Something must be up. In the middle of "something" being up. Sleepless nights. A lot of kissing. Love. Novel. Amazing job. New York City. Chaos. Tears. Spring. Bouncing. I received a poem from a brother of mine... "Felt Thoughts" I read your thoughts and think. You are the definition of soul searcher: non stop,...


I woke up smiling today. For the first time since returning to the city in September, I decided to give myself a bit of credit blog family. I may not be published yet... my book may not even be finished... however... Over the past six months I've gone from climbing crooked steps in falling down buildings to watching the sunrise each morning from the comfort of my stunning abode. I took a series of beatings that landed me in therapy, bitched it...

week arrival! record smashing.

This is an exciting week blog family and by the end of it I'll get to tell you more about WHY!! Furthermore, FollowMeToNYC continues to welcome new cult affiliates. Yesterday traffic reached new heights... welcome new readers! I haven't posted many stories lately, in a few days I'll talk more about where my head's been at over the past few weeks. Finally!! Over the weekend I bounced about eating amazing food and scribbling in notebooks. While I...
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