the official countdown

G’day gorgeous collection of cult

19 days. In 19 days, the soles of my feet will be on New York City soil. Unlike the other three trips that I have taken since October 2009 running around hollering, “COME ON! Someone… ANYONE!… Give me a JOB so I can finish my novel!”

I have a job… I have a soul circle chairperson with a cozy couch waiting and a pair of keys to his apartment cut that jangle in my handbag whenever I’m out and about… I have a vision blog family.

My vision includes a light drenched Manhattan dwelling with a proper desk accompanied by a desk top computer. I am hardly naive enough to ever really complain about how I’ve got it. As a “consultant” or whatever it is my daytime hours refer to me as, I spend more time than most people reading newspapers. Which is ironic, because sensitive beings like me are better off avoiding dangerous items like these.

I digress…

My point is, I try not to bitch and moan because at the end of the day, I am more than aware of my daily blessings. Blessings like a roof over my head, hot coffee every morning, and you… for example.

Still, as a Writer, I can’t help but fantasize about a computer monitor that I can actually read, and a workstation where I can – you know – work.

Essentially, all of the editing and formating for Poetry: Volume two was completed sunk into a couch with my itty bitty mac notebook tenderly balanced on a power-box.

I understand it’s likely to all be psychosomatic, but I don’t care. I’m sticking to my story. Manhattan + desk + real computer = novel.

19 days till the jump-off.

It’s also worth mentioning that there are tribal members in New York City that care about me and my work. Nagging about that might make me sound like a little kid, but self-publishing a year of your life in utter solitude does something to you.

Won’t be doing that again…

6 thoughts on “the official countdown

    1. brightest blossom… returned to my page to fix a stack of typos after an early morning post following a super pouty night… and here you are. i am dancing indeed. xoxox

  1. now that’s what i call life changes….new job in a place you want to be…new book…
    told you your roots were strong….

    1. namaste dear man… isn’t it funny how sometimes our most grounded points leave us feeling the most floaty… i am a feather slowly riding the breeze to new york city… it’s about to get interesting. 😉

  2. Ah babe, knowing that you post every single day makes me so damn happy! Because here I am in Estonia, with the skies black and my heart light and every single sleep until you land on my doorstep in Berlin being counted on my fingertips. Make the most of your time in Oz too darling, for the people there will always, always hold you close. X

    1. your ears must have been ringing, being on my mind all day my favorite world traveller… i am glad you appeared to confirm because i nearly reached the point of believing i dreamt a german adventure together… me and these every day posts… how much longer can i carry on? missing you crazy. x o x

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