dark-ety dark. dark dark dark.

I was on the telephone with my sister yesterday who came across my features on Sleep.Snort.Fuck for the first time. We had a conversation about writing because she's working on her second book. Her feedback on my work sounded something like, 'Dude you write some dark shit.' I grinned and tee-heed but then started contemplating this. She's right, I do write some dark shit. I, in fact, write shit so dark that I think people are shocked sometimes...


Over the past two days two of my favorite people have raised writing a memoir with me. Truth be told, my life is insane. And no, I don't mean 'I have a colorful past.' My life is literally insane in live-time. Do you ever feel like you only reveal bits and pieces? I think everyone is like this to a degree. When you're in a situation like me with 382 bits and pieces strung together and posted in the global proximity of Internet land, I suppose...

where and how. the stories come.

Since hitting my year of posting people occasionally ask, 'So, what's your "blog" about?' And then I say something like, 'Well... it has some writing, words, and then there's New York City, oh and sometimes Australia.' People do blogs about electronics, or Hollywood whores, world news, etc. Not me. When I started this off I didn't even realize I was diving into this ambiguous information sharing method coined with the term 'blog'. Last night I...

breathe in. breathe out. fly.

I slept most of today and dreamt of flying. I'm a lucid dreamer and have been since I was a kid. Flying dreams remain my favorite. I'm still spinning in a state of surrealism over how long I've been tapping away at this page. Last year this exact time I was back in the States, working on scripts. One of those movies is now in post-production being edited by CJ. Paralleling this track of my work I'm considering other pieces of life that need to...

a year of posting

Today marks ONE YEAR of straight posts. Here's what I have achieved over the past year... remarkable if you ask me... And here's my favorite post from each month: September October November December January February March April May June July August
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