NYC how I love you but sometimes

My birthday in the city was amazing. Being my first birthday in the US for so many years like I've been saying, certain things hit me in hard, sneaky-like ways. There's someone in Australia that I don't really want to spend another birthday without. There are things that have happened in the past 12 months that have kicked me all over the place and spit me out in Queens. I have feelings about life yearning for paper but haven't finished...

350 posts. better today. raw.

Yesterday I lost my mind. I nervously paced a dark room. I went to Starbucks just to get out of the house and spent three hours staring at the wall. I held the tip of my pen against paper to the point where blue ink oozed into wordless piles that stained through three pages of my notebook. Finally I tried to write down what my problem is. Because for those of you just joining up with the cult, that's what I do... I write. Today is my 350th post...

pole dancing in an escalade. columbia.

Tomorrow I have an appointment at Columbia University to discus their MFA program. I already have an MA but in the world of getting paid to lecture I've learned an MFA is required. Apart from the bazillions of dollars universities suck dry out of us, I enjoy studying. I need to stay in school. It brings a unique structure to my work, and learning stuff is fun. And imagine if I got into Columbia? Talk about some shit... I went to a wedding over...

poetry book, porsche, prose, sisters

Namaste blog family This morning the button was pushed and my first collection of poetry is now available on Lulu. I'm not being pessimistic when I say I don't expect many purchases, I'm being realistic. Poetry usually only sells after you croak. I've got a few books I'm working on that I'll pitch to publishers and possibly sell down the line. The poetry book is for hardcore cult members - exclusively. I sold one today, to sister number three......
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