week arrival! record smashing.

This is an exciting week blog family and by the end of it I'll get to tell you more about WHY!! Furthermore, FollowMeToNYC continues to welcome new cult affiliates. Yesterday traffic reached new heights... welcome new readers! I haven't posted many stories lately, in a few days I'll talk more about where my head's been at over the past few weeks. Finally!! Over the weekend I bounced about eating amazing food and scribbling in notebooks. While I...

healing pinnacle

Believe it or not blog family, my foot is still stuffed. It's better than it was, however irrational demands of evil creatures forcing unnecessary steps has not assisted the healing process. And I'm thankful for every wiggly-toed grimace. The low-key vibe of life that I've settled into over the past three weeks has truly reached a pinnacle. I'm assuming it's because of tonight's full moon. Yesterday I received an unexpected phone call related...


As I have ranted about of recent, last Monday I was interviewed by my new friend Patrick for his podcast project: MyNY. LISTEN HERE I'm in love with FollowMeToNYC being featured on MyNY ... SUCH an honor. I talk a lot about inspiration in these parts. Patrick is inspiring. The two of us connected on Instagram and within a week were sitting in my apartment chatting about writing, australia, new york city and so many other things. I hope you...

letters and learning

Namaste blog tribe This morning I wrote a letter to my pen pal in Australia. We bumped into each other one day and have been in love ever since. When you believe you're from outer space, and you run into someone with similar understanding - you essentially recognize each other immediately. It's been 16 days since I busted my foot. I'm still bloody icing it. My best friend and I were laughing last night that I continue to use the "sandwich pack"...

floating through transition

Greetings and love blog tribe Please pardon yesterday's silence. I didn't want to just swing by these parts and complain about my foot - which is finally on the good side of better. I feel like I'm standing on the beach watching the tide come in, waiting for the part when it reaches up and kisses my toes. I haven't had to deal with a real winter since 2009/2010, and back then I was staying with my parents - writing The Carrier, some poetry, and...
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