sweet afton. astoria.

Sweet Afton is located at 30-09 34th Street, Astoria. I found it by standing on Broadway with my finger on the trigger of the NY Times The Scoop app. A free addition to your phone that will brighten the day of any NYC local. After tapping “nearby” I was whisked away to Sweet Afton where I was greeted with a Happy Hour blackboard announcing all beers are $4 before 7pm. And might I add, when the waitress asked if I required another beer and I...

wall street is still occupied

For over a week now, a collection of cult associates have been sleeping in Zucotti Park in lower Manhattan during the peaceful gathering: #OccupyWallStreet. After a clip of the NYPD macing a group of women went viral yesterday, the event is getting a bit more news attention. However, considering the effort thus far, it has received poor main stream media coverage. I think there are many reasons for this, none of them exactly right in my mind....

varlow at paintworks … aka brooklyn art show

I attended an art show in Brooklyn last night. The invitation I received read as so: Gowanus Ballroom and Flambeaux Fire invite you to Paint Works, a group painting exhibition showcasing emerging and established artists in and around Brooklyn. Plus Fire and Aerial performances throughout the night, including special performances by Flambeaux Fire in Veronica Varlow's debut Flambeaux Fire performance. As if I would miss paintings, aerial...

#ourwallstreet #occupywallstreet

I was talking to one of my favorite people in Australia this morning. Apparently the media is refusing to tell the world about all of the peaceful protestors who have been demonstrating on Wall Street for a week. Camping out. I had the privilege of attending three evenings so far and will return tonight. The event is alive with brothers and sisters tired of the condition of the US economy and how it is being controled. Please tell everyone you...

sublet. write wanting.

I've decided to sublet an apartment. Not sure how long this concept will last, because as we all know I am in the middle of a major crisis. I came to reach this decision in a variety of ways... here are the top ten. top ten reasons i'm going to sublet 10. To prevent complete deterioration of my sanity, I'm going the quicker option. 9. I have no furniture and most of them are furnished. 8. The concept of "own place" is a bit too grown-up for me....
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