Dear Blog Family
After last week’s rant about getting booted from my job… I was asked yesterday if I could possibly stay longer. I said, “Hell yes” in the most appropriate phrasing for big business-like places where people wear suits.
From what I hear from our NYC advisers who keep me up on what’s good in my favorite place, it’s freezing. And according to them, “You’re crazy if you don’t stick summer out down there for as long as you can… for real…”
But don’t get it twisted, all my NYC people still know they’re rolling in one of the greatest towns on Earth. I was speaking to my boy earlier who was wandering around Queens and proceeded to have three different strangers lurking in the winter streets to tell me over the phone, and I quote, “New York City is the best place in the world.”
I love my crazy friends.
So hopefully I can ride out my current contract for a few more weeks. All I do is write all day at work in a room with friendly people, I’ve got no complaints about my day gig.
After my mega break down a few days ago I’ve picked myself back up. Brushed off, moving on. There are a lot of reasons I can’t live where I am any more. Sometimes they bubble over and I find myself panting in an empty room with credit card in hand and finger on the trigger of a one-way ticket out purchase.
In time my pretties… all in due course…