It occurred to me today while I was desperately seeking my next Writer gig while simultaneously throwing up in my mouth – I’ve really come full circle.
I kicked off this adventure determined to get to New York City and independently support myself writing. Miraculously, I did that. I did it to the extent where I could even pay for my own apartment smack center in midtown Manhattan… something I never imagined I could do alone.
Then, as fate has it, everything was pulled out from under me. According to my calculations, I’ve got about 90 days for something to pop. After that, life as I know it will essentially self-destruct.
I’m trying to embrace the chaos. Truth be told, if I didn’t have the puppies in tow – I’d be on the next flight back to Australia. However, this whole grown-up / responsibility thing simply won’t allow for that right now.
Having co-existed in a marriage for as long as I did, doing everything alone is hard. Generally speaking, I’m much better off than I was with an emotionally abusive husband. But I could certainly do without being snowed under in rent checks, power bills and all the rest of the lot.
Ce la vi…
So I’m basically back where I started. Except home-base in the city is in full effect. This is helpful. My plan is to alternate between job applying and creative writing spinning. Back and forth back and forth.
Life is a bit of whirlwind at the moment. But I guess if it wasn’t, it wouldn’t be my life. I’m just focussing on staying positive and keeping my head above water. One day I’m sure I’ll look back at this phase and think, “Damn, that was a pretty close call…”
Keep that beautiful head above water, honey…in a sink or swim scenario, you know you’ll always survive. You’re made of strong stuff, remember! And I’m always here to remind you. Give the puppies a scratch for me, and know I’m always on your side x x
Wonderful hearing from you gorgeous. You know me, over the years I’ve made treading water an olympic sport. Miss you dearly x o x