Halloween begins!

img_7794Happy Halloween everyone! Some of you already know, today is my day. My birthday is the only day I like better than Halloween.

My day started with spiral glasses, bunny ears, dressing the puppies like a shark and piggles – and hitting the street.

This all occurred prior to 8am…

I’ve already arranged to leave my office early today. I don’t img_7782think anywhere does Halloween quite like New York City. It’s one of the most hopping nights of the year here.

Tonight will be lit, I can’t wait!

My weekend was spent walking and thinking. After my experience Friday night, I am physically, spiritually and mentally feel re-focussed. It’s hard to explain. The fact that I was able to walk in the door and make img_7801myself all the way to the direct presence of Yogmata Keiko Aikawa is something that, even as a professional Writer, I won’t find words for.

Other things that happened this weekend: I watched the sunrise with a retired airline technician and woke up with a tattooed, muscle-y 28-year old who I’m going to dress as a werewolf later and lead around the village on a leash. I made out with a six foot something Italian on 5th avenue and I drank pints under a blue sky on one of the last warm days we’ll have this year.

I’m not thinking about him anymore.

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