Halloween, always the best

Happy after Halloween morning!

img_7811Last night naturally did not disappoint, we were up down and everywhere in swirls of costumes decorating the streets of the city. It felt good to feel good… to be out and about and happy.

I haven’t really stopped thinking about my experience on Friday or how it’s literally changed how I had been feeling as of late. All I feel like doing is working on my book. It’s amazing to see work come to completion. For me though, finishing a piece just makes me excited about what’s coming next.

It’s also interesting when I can step out of myself as an Artist and objectively look at my life – the influences and inspirations of my work – and how it molds what I pour on a page. Considering that I both pay my bills and soothe my soul with scribbled syllables, I literally can’t imagine doing anything else. When I think about it my brain stretches in funny ways…img_7847

Last night I faithfully led my werewolf around the West Village. The holiday season is officially kicking off now, Manhattan becomes uniquely beautiful this time of year. Bloody freezing, but beautiful.

I’ve been meditating a lot and doing yoga. I look back at the recent disruption in my life with legitimate concern that anyone could rip through me that way. Not even the dude I was married to for nearly 10 years has a status like that.

Anyways, my bunny ears are off. The werewolf is making me coffee. Here’s to another day, go blow someone a kiss. Kindness is completely underrated these days…


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