i can TASTE it

Autumn is rocking my world. When I left Brisbane the Jacarandas were just starting to bloom. So far they’re my favorite tree in Australia, something about purple flower leaves is lusciously electric. However…IMG_0005 since I am a bias New Englander / autumn baby / Halloween worshiper … they don’t hold a candle to anything like this –


Reds and oranges and yellows and greens are dressing my world in a season I can’t get over being away from for so long. Not harping on it though… just enjoying it. I spent the afternoon running around barefoot on the cool fall grass and swallowing the wind.

Oh yeah! And I also think I found a SUBLET!! Dare I say?? I’m nervous that if I say it out loud it will bloody fall through like all the other tossers that hung me out to dry (BOO!!!). Next week when I’m a bit more settled and have my writing a bit more sorted (is that possible?) I shall make my way into town to chat to my prospective sublet-ee about a November-December arrangement. Then I can take it from there… I imagine I will pimp pimp pimp away the stuff I do have and scribble all sorts of goodies to run back to the country and play with after the excursion.

But let’s be realistic… this nearly resembles a ‘plan’. And I don’t do planning. And let’s face it, I’m at a place where I can literally taste New York City… that means anything can happen.

4 thoughts on “i can TASTE it

  1. Hope that sublet comes through and that it’s cheaper than that other one.

    I find it amusing that the Google ads on the side have four ads about new york, then one randomly about a turf supplier. ‘Cool fall grass’ warrants a whole ad to itself? Silly adsense!

  2. right? yesterday there was one for surgery… i don’t understand what they’re trying to say??

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