It’s official… we official!!

IMG_0016After twenty some odd hours in the sky, rescheduling my flight from LA because of delays, and nearly losing my luggage… I arrived in town 45 minutes early. I stepped outside and tried to bum a smoke off some chick, which is odd because I don’t smoke cigarettes… She tells me she can’t help me out when some incredibly gorgeous Middle Eastern man with an accent you want to swallow dressed like he’s straight off an Italian catwalk offers me a Clove. I’ve arrived. Oh and PS… I LOVE this city.

70 miles later I’m in the house I grew up in, there are markings on the bathroom wall from measuring each inch I sprouted over the years and a small black cat named Snooky Puss who I left in my parents care (and is now more spoiled than ever) waiting for me at the door. He’s asleep on my pillow at the moment.

IMG_0011I spilt ink the entire way here and already have plans for how I’m going to arrange my work and spread out my time each day. Hopefully jet lag doesn’t eat too many hours.

My days will be balanced between working on  a collection of micro-fiction, some poetry,  a young-adult fiction book,and anything else that arises. Oh yeah… and raging with my mates! Along with playing with my family, “blogging” my ass off, twittering like it’s my job, etc…

I don’t remember the last time I was in such a quiet place, country Connecticut is preeeetty quiet. I’m going to go pet Snooky Puss and listen to the rain… and take a very deep breath… a very… deep breath…

3 thoughts on “It’s official… we official!!

  1. Nice balance of different things you’re going to work on. Be careful not to spread yourself too thin, though.

    Still might come visit you at some point 🙂 Who knows?

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