Two hardcore meditations, a lot of complaining, a cup and a half of tears… and finally, back to MELBOURNE!!

The universe has paved the start to a relocation that will be happening over the next few weeks and I am beaming so brightly I imagine you can all see me glow.

Not only is the move soon… but it seems to be aligned in all sorts of pretty ways! Like my silly contract that will expire the day I’m ready to depart, after funding the interstate shift.

Now I just have to find someplace to live…

I realize that all of our US cult members have no idea what I’m on about regarding my desperate search for relocation. So let me put it this way… it’s like moving from Eden North Carolina to Chicago. I’m so fricken culture starved that the simple sight of someone not wearing flip flops (thongs?) can potentially make my day. As a matter of fact, the last time I went to Melbourne – I took pictures of food.

This is serious people.

Note the comparison of Eden to Chicago instead of Eden to New York City… as IF anything could compare to my beloved NYC!!! Nev-aaaah!!!

Melbourne is exciting for lots of reasons – those top reasons being that lots of my favorite Australian tribal members and many of my favorite Aussie places are within its boundaries.

However… I’ve said it before…


On that note… first stop Melbourne… next stop New York City… And this time I vow to have a hard copy of my anthology in hand when I press myself against the glass of Shakespeare Books and say ‘Please!! PLEASE!! Allow me to give free books away at your shop simply because the idea of distributing a hardcopy of my words in my bestest and most favorite place defines how to complete my life’s purpose!’

Ok maybe there are other things I’d like to do too… But this is a bloody brilliant start!!!

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