mischief eve aka don’t be tardy for the party

100_1237HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! One of my BFFs co-hosted Halloween Party number one last night which had way too many fun things to mention. Here are some brief highlights…

The artist formally known 100_1217as Prince MC’ed a large part of the evening, or at least the portions when some kid with no costume (who I still only know as someone that was supposed to come with someone else, who apparently didn’t show up) wasn’t Sing Starring or rounding up Soul Train lines… or working the fog machine.

100_1220After a secret ballot vote was conducted involving 2s recorded with eyeliner (because I forgot my PEN!) … the winners of the most coveted Best Costume Awards went to Honey for BrideZilla and Essence for Serena…

Honey was also given extra credit for a wardrobe change halfway through the evening… that’s a bad bitch right there! And Serena received majorly more snaps for still making the party even though her big January match in Australia is steadily approaching…

100_1218Hands down they had the top costumes and were both happy to receive their award…100_1243 But you better believe that neither one of them were very impressed when they learned the Naughty Nurse took a tight third …

100_1245Still when it came down to where it really counted… we all knew who were the prettiest…

100_1248As for me?

… I was Freddy.


8 thoughts on “mischief eve aka don’t be tardy for the party

    1. i knew you’d appreciate that one… i bought a Jason jersey too… just because it was $1 so i had too… you know how it is.

  1. darl you can be in my nightmares anytime xxxxx
    sorry i meant to send you all hallows eve best wishes but forgot.
    love you
    hope ny is treating you nice

    1. and to you beautiful kerry! it was a long, festive, catch up… and of course it is, you know ny is my nicest city 😉 xox

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