I think this is the first time over the past seven months and change where I’m actually feeling a bit speechless.
I’ve spent the last three days throwing away pieces of life. It’s been quite refreshing.
It started to remind me of how I am with my Art. Many of you, my loyal cult members and loving readers, are aware of my habitual deleting tendencies. Some days I’m still amazed that the webpage has survived my erratic dicing patterns.
I’m not the sort of Writer that really considers anything a ‘masterpiece’. I write to process the world. And although some of this writing contains structured work like scripts and stories… I’m finding more and more that my voice is really in my poetry… the stuff that I write to get by day to day.
I feel like there’s more I want to mention about the ‘behind the scenes’ world of gretchen cello, but it’s one of those moments where less is more. I’ve started arranging a series of creative features to post during mission a la Melbourne.
Once I fly back to Brisbane next week… everything will be different.
I love “cleaning house’!
nothing beats living LIGHT!! 😀