one aussie job down… one nyc gig coming up…

I’ve officially been notified that my current work contract is going to boot me as of 25 February 2011. Once I’m done paying my dues, I should have basically enough money for a plane ticket back to NYC.

This isn’t good enough blog family… we need to strategize.

On the up side, I’ve got my second job that comes and goes and tosses me a few Bens here and there, so that’s staying in my back pocket.

On the down side, I received my first official “Thanks, but no thanks,” letter from a job I applied for in Manhattan.

Considering that my “I’m just gonna rock up” approach hasn’t quite panned out for me in the past, I’m really trying to do the grown-up thing and land a job before I get back to town. But as we all know, I have somewhat impulsive tendancies.

I can’t make sense of it. When I’m in Australia, I can land work and afford food but I’m so isolated from where I believe I should be at the moment that my irritability and anxiety levels knaw at my knuckles while I’m trying to write.

When I’m in New York City, I’m surrounded by swarms of world  and consumed by inspiration on a daily basis – but I’m homeless, starving, and jobless.

Dear Universe,

Make it happen. You see me busting my ass. You see me getting kicked around by unhealthy conditions I really need to get away from. Bring forth job and apartment pronto.

gretchen & the puppies

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