I am pleasantly cruising along in re-draft mode. It was a bumpy road to get to this point however Draft 2 of my thriller script is in full effect and starting to flow. My plan is to finish this and then get back to the comedy.
I suppose I’ve accomplished a fair bit during my almost-two-months of writing full time. It’s been interesting completely shifting form from novel writing to screenplay creations. It’s ironic that I used to write screenplays but decided to switch to books to challenge myself, now the shift back is equally if not even more challenging. In any case, I’m having a lot of fun stretching my brain and tying it in knots.
It’s odd to think that I technically have no job considering how many hours a day I’m working. Even on days where a scene or chapter isn’t moving along the way I’d like, I’m still making word webs or authoring new outlines… or trying to build a new business…
… genuinely busy working.