readjusting schmee adjusting

Ok. Now that I’ve been on Yankee soil for the better side of 48 hours, I’m sorting a few new things out. Work hours, for example.

Work in the world of gretchen cello splits in two parts:

  1. That which I get paid for.
  2. That which I do not get paid for.

Considering how heavily these two things rely on each other, their co-operation is imperative to operation: finish book.

Anyways, the first of the two is sweetly sorted – a new position doing the writerly  things we do. Only difference is instead of working 8 to 4, it’s 9 to 5.

I get up early. So I’m predicting lots of first-thing-out-of-bed syllable sprees such as this morning’s… that and a bit of evening edits should take care of #2.

I’ve narrowed my apartment hunting down to three neighborhoods.

Apparently it’s a holiday weekend in the states… Labor Day. Three day weekend! Hot damn! A country escape is predicted…

Once I have an apartment, I’m going to get a desk. After I have my very own desk someplace nestled in New York City… it’s on.

Some of our dedicated readers might notice I changed the tag line in the header until further notice.

Wait, it sounds like this is getting serious… tee HEE!!

ps. I need to learn web design, or something.

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