After my thoughts about other Writer blah-gs earlier, I decided to visit a few to catch up on the past years-ish. Something interesting I saw, is that while no one is brave enough to comment on a blog post publicly, they’ll happily “like” it on Facebook.
I guess this is where my post-grad communications dorkness shows. It stuns me that rather than individually support an Artist in their own forum – out of ease and convenience = humans thumbs up to show their approval while raising Facebook’s stock.
Because everyone knows, Mark Zuckerburg needs a raise.
The most stunning thing about all of this occurring, was that I legitimately wanted to comment on a post I read that was very recent and very fantastic. Sadly, comments were prematurely closed out of carelessness or fear. Because I can’t thumbs up, this person will never know how great I think their mind is.
So that’s my latest rant regarding my love / loathe relationship with the interweb.
Another take-away from fluttering off to fellow writer-ville was seeing blogs never updated and remembering my own rule. It made me feel bad for being so quiet lately, but I promise I’ve been writing super good stories in between.
My writing has me in quite a state of shhhh. Not too shhhh, but quiet enough to bob along and unravel at a pace I’ve been enjoying amongst open 9th avenue windows blowing in the first prickly kisses of autumn. Everything will be changing colors soon. Regardless of how much I whinge over the cold, autumn in New England is my favorite time and place anywhere. I can already taste the pumpkin.