Yesterday was one of those days when I was supposed to be editing my anthology and ended up writing poems instead. I did some other productive things too… like meditate and bake a chocolate cake.
Here are the poems…
keen weakness of unreachable (sleep)
I dreamt about. You holding my hand.
There was… wait. None of this not enough
Time. An invisible globe of refusal
To come close. I dreamt of laughter. Wearing
A pulled down hat nearly covered my eyes.
Hearing comments about. How others admire
What I have. My face buried in your neck
While I’m asleep. I make dedications. You…
Except when my eyes flutter. Waking me up.
I can pretend… not… too… Every time
I sleep. I inhale your lilac scent. Your doubt
Becoming just another memory.
As the sun invites the day.
attempting to wind a clock without hands
we moved inside
light. rays of reminders that
day’s never far. when evening sparks
stars. spiral paths swirl
a path that leads… back.
earlier. understanding whispered within
what can never be said
loud enough. turned up. fortissimo.
and he heard every word…
once we whispered
shared apprehension. understood
complexities. unraveling to a simplicity
of love. of peace. of mind.
the final stop.
being. still. sounds seem
to vibrate beyond
projected assumption.
remembering makes more sense…
in a together sort of way
we held our consumption.
guzzling sky like questioning
why illusions of restriction
attempt to test. confronting
yesterdays. pictures of wonder.
in a room with no walls.
space without time.
I’ve been cooking all day for company coming over this evening. I made a hippy vegetarian roast from almonds, cashews, walnuts and rice mixed with a stack of fresh herbs, and kalamatta olives. Food and friends are critical components to maintaining my sanity. In a house that smells like roasting garlic and nag champa incense… I’m going to proofread a few book pages and then enjoy an evening of lightness and exchanging dreams… happy Saturday!!