sometimes it’s serious

One of the bragging rights of FollowMeToNYC is having about 400 of our cult affiliates subscribed to my RSS feed. Imagine how many I’ll get when I figure out how to get back the magic button that allows people to subscribe… not quite sure where that one went.

This morning as my espresso bubbled and I watched the sunrise over the east river, I contemplated this. I also contemplated how much fun I had running around in the forest with my family over the weekend. A few pieces of it anyways… there were parents, three sisters, two brothers, a niece, six dogs, you know… a mix.

When I was in Australia I literally had one person who swore allegiance to me. You can imagine my dismay when that one person made the choice to leave. I’m around my blood tribe now, and soul circle board members who have been in the gretchen game since single digits.

Sometimes, you really need certain people in your life. Sometimes it’s serious.

I grew up in a house with seven humans and two furry creatures. I require regular social interactions to make sense of my life. Not interactions with just anyone, mind you. Very specific ones – such as blog posting with you or ranting to my parents or siblings. And let’s not forget to mention my valuable inky interactions.

Chris and I had dinner in the east village last night and I told him I feel stronger than I have since getting back to town.



4 thoughts on “sometimes it’s serious

  1. So glad you are feeling strong, and are surrounding yourself with family and good people.

    Be assured that I can think of at least 4 Australians, myself included that swore allegiance to you and continue to do so.


    1. Darlingest if it weren’t for my tribe of Australians I would have never made it off the island alive. Love and miss you crazy. Time is soaring away and I am banging words in ways that would make you proud. I can’t wait to have you here. x o x

  2. sometimes it is serious bella Gretchen… loads of fun though when the right people come along… a sense of well being and feeling centered. Hope all is well. Sounds like you’re super busy with social and writing activities… home is never too far away when one looks in the right place. Much love. Missing you at the writing meets. xoxo

    1. namaste beautiful cos. i am buried in work and the virgo in me is beaming ear to ear. at least i feel like i’m doing something along the lines of what i came here for. i am already imagining the story trading to take place at the next meet – i can taste the pear cider. x

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