stiletto compliments go so far a.k.a my apartment search

I trekked a vast radius of midtown this afternoon, in stilettos, in the pouring rain, apartment hunting. If there were hills involved, I imagine it would have been uphill both ways.

After one douche bag blew me off entirely, I came across a charming, definitely leaning left, five story walkup in Hell’s Kitchen. A stunning Russian girl with waist-length, black hair greeted me in the building’s doorway with, “Intercom speaker is broken so I come get you.”

We beamed at each other and climbed flight after flight of sloping steps. I looked at one average apartment. She led me up another flight of scary stairs. I looked at another average apartment.

“It’s a bit too far west I think, I’ll ponder that and call you tomorrow. Cool?”

“I like your shoes.”

“Thanks very much, I like yours too.”

And that was the conclusion of my first apartment hunting experience… I await to see what tomorrow brings!

In the world of writing…

I’ve been working a lot with point of view lately and I think it’s making my novel more interesting.

And that’s about that. My writing is slightly on the back-burner because I need an apartment NOW and so all of my energy needs to got toward that.

So let’s say it together my cult collective of all things colorful:


4 thoughts on “stiletto compliments go so far a.k.a my apartment search

  1. Good luck my Darling with the next round……I certainly don’t like the sound of those stairs…though of course your heels are always sexy 😉

    1. Babe the stairs were falling apart in a few places… we gripped the banister for dear life. I think I require a lift… for good measure. I’ve been having so much fun wearing big shoes! x o x

  2. Hey there beautiful traveler… wishing you all the best from afar in your hunt for a place to hang your clothes and concentrate on your writing. Those stairs sound like they could keep one fit. Just watched your video blog in Berlin… awesome… plenty of beer and $300 shoes… wow girl… costly exercise in being sympatico to the vendor. Take care, much love. xoxo

    1. Cos! The hunt continues. I saw a studio apartment with a closet earlier today that I’ve thought long and hard into trying to convert to a one bedroom… but I reckon I’ve got a bit more fight in me still 😉 Viva beer in Berlin! The shoes have been enjoying NYC quite sweetly indeed… (tee hee!) love you x o x

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