Namaste blog tribe
I’m still here… Last week was interesting in many ways. FollowMeToNYC was nearly unpublished.
So much has happened since I started this “project”. As days go by, the idea of being a bit off the scene becomes more appealing.
Naturally my work will be findable someplace, just perhaps not here. Since I did everything I said I planned to when I started this site… each day I’m more compelled to move in a new direction.
Last week would have been my 12 year wedding anniversary. Considering I started this page trying to get my husband to notice me, once I realized we were really going to get a divorce and something so sacred to me at one stage was nothing more but bad fiction – there are sentiments attached to these pages I don’t care to partake in very much.
I have a few ideas for projects, when I decide where I’ll be, I’ll make sure to let it be known.
In the mean time, I’m going to stay invisible. It’s been an incredible just-over-five years. Speak to you all soon, and see you on the flip. I’m focussing on changing everything, again. It absorbs all of my energy.
Love to you, yours and ours. Those looking know how to find me.
x o x