serialized fiction (part 2 of 4)

Emotions are a roller coaster of intoxication. Certain days when I demand to know where Jacob is the mother tells me, ‘Under the couch last time I saw him sweetie.’ Sometimes I collapse to my knees and check to see, other days I want to strangle her. I’m erratic and irritable. I can’t identify anyone. I tell the mother I think I have amnesia and grow sadder with the seasons. I only wear black and the sisters tease me. The mother develops...

serialized fiction (part 1 of 4)

Daybreak beams extend through the timbre skyline splashing shadows around our wooded sanctuary. Electric green clover patches praise the early hours. The one sound beside our two beating hearts is the river beside us. It is consistent and revealing, the way we were (the way we are). Being next to him feels different, like we’re within one another instead of alongside. We’re sharing the squishy riverbank. My fingertips and toes quiver in an...

another rant about publishers

So as we all know I sent in a new round of work recently to get knocked back by publishers. I'm not saying that I deserve a Nobel Prize or anything... but I should definitely be published by now. People often say 'Don't take rejections personally.' I say that's bullshit. I take them very personally, which is why I don't submit work like I'm apparently supposed to. Getting rejected basically for who you are is a strange cocktail of utter...

48 hour phone-a-thon

I've been on the phone for the past two days. I had to get off at one point around 4am to check on the stars. That's the great thing about having cult members all over the world. You get to have coffee, lunch, and dinner with people still at completely random times. Midnight drinks at 3 in the afternoon... And for two days I barely thought about writing at all. Only instead of running to New York City like usual... I had an international...

day 33. it’s move time.

Today is Day 33 that I've been back in Brisbane. As can be confirmed prior to me leaving in October... I'm done with this town. The weather has been FABULOUS as have the frequent bush romps in coastal wonderlands north and south of me... but I need to move. The move requirement is distracting from my work. Since I'm old now, I can make generalized cliche Artist statements like 'I can't work in these conditions!' and 'It's critical that such and...
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