Since I’m leaving so soon, I’ve been catching up with friends over the past few days. My catch up yesterday involved vodka, guava, and guaranas ; a fully clothed river dip; and the reassurance that only your mates can offer. The kind where you raise your glasses to one another and say things like, ‘Of course it’s practical to spend every cent you have on a four month stint at trying to break into one the roughest industries out there, it’s you.’
The more thought I put into it now, as the vodka haze settles and I start to prepare for another day chained to my laptop… the more sense I can make of what my mate was saying. All any of us can do it be ourself, do what feels right. And I must say, all of these icky knots tightening in my guts with whispers of ‘you have no place to officially stay yet, you’re still finishing the book you want to pitch, oh and ps. you have no job’ don’t outweigh who I am. At risk of sounding cliche, I guess I’m still figuring that out myself. But even if I’m not 100% sure on who I am… I know what I believe in. I know what I stand for.
I firmly believe in telling all odds to fuck themselves while I trip back to a world I left seven years ago for reasons I’m still sorting out. Something’s not finished… and it ain’t too long til we see what exactly that something is… and become an acclaimed Writer at the same time, naturally.
The guava and vodka worked very well together… Hooray for the cool photos! That water was filthy, though, lol.
If anyone can pull off what you’re going to try to do, it’s you.