Diners and mustangs and snow… oh my!

Having lived overseas for seven years with no visit to the states during this period exceeding four weeks, I am excitedly curious about what the trip will bring. I remember the days when the Jerry Springer show was something I could accept and when I really didn’t feel that American culture was loud.

It will be fascinating to see what aspects of US culture pop out to me after I spend a fair bit of time there.DSCN0662

That said, I can list a few things I’ll miss about Australia and a few things I can’t wait to return to…

I’ll miss being really out of the loop, that whole ‘ignorance is bliss’ thing is totally true… I have no idea what celebrity is shagging who or what’s ‘hot’ on commercial radio. However…

I can’t WAIT to see my FAMILY and FRIENDS!! I’ve made some amazing mates down under, actually, I should rephrase that – I’ve reconnected with some past-life family that’s been hiding out in the mysterious land I discovered not too long ago. But getting back to my roots for a longer than a 28 day period will be unreal. How unreal? Not much longer til we find out!!

4 thoughts on “Diners and mustangs and snow… oh my!

    1. thank you savannah! i’m working on a ‘guest blogger’ section, i’ll let you know when it’s up …. you can blog there too!! now if only i understood how to make a webpage… lol.

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