After clicking my heels yesterday over quite possibly one of the final copies of Poetry: Volume One to be issued I realized… damn. Poetry: Volume Two is set to be released in eight weeks-ish.
That’s madness blog family.
The thing I’m most excited about, besides taking another twelve months of too much emotion and filing away between front and back cover, is tracking improvement.
… imagine what Poetry: Volume Three will be like.
This all switched my head back to the entire publisher / rejection thing. An Editor that I have much respect for recently was tormented and trashed all over the Internet for kicking back a submitter. I sincerely cannot conceive that type of insane behaviour.
If you’re like me, for example, and don’t really feel like someone rejecting something that (regardless of a supposed “literary standard”) is deeply personal and a raw reflection of your Self…
Then bloody self publish!
Seriously. After my first experiment with self-publishing I learned a lot.
For example:
Editing is like, important.
Your real audience finds you.
Once you finish that book and get your hands on it. It’s forever.
I’m pretty excited about my poetry crusade to be honest. Pumping out a volume a year is nothing, it’s editing that’s the shit part – which is why a publisher would, in fact, be handy.
Too bad my collection won’t be submitted to any of those…
The steps in the publisher/writer dance are pretty intricate, all right – I’ll never forget one story being accepted that I then got 21 editing suggestions for, and it was only 1000 words…ouch. But I also trust my instincts with pieces, and some of those I got rejection slips for I sent out again, and got accepted. Ultimately publishers are like readers, in that what doesn’t appeal to one may knock the socks of another…
That said, I’m still waiting on two publishers for this latest round and yes, I check my email too damn frequently! So I can see the beauty of self-publishing, especially the more I speak to you…after all, the only thing better than a spine on your bookshelf with your name somewhere within, is a spine on your bookshelf with your name ON IT.
Now that, I can only imagine X x
You know, I realize that it’s all about what’s commercial when it comes to publishing a lot of the time – so it isn’t difficult for me to conceive why most publishers don’t know what to do with my poetry. On the other hand, I don’t really think it’s difficult to study a genre and write something for it that will sell – however that doesn’t really tie into why I write, nor does it motivate me at all (unfortunately).
Of course that doesn’t mean I won’t have a crack. Sooner or later I’ll dish some type of novel-y thing out. In the meantime, people who actually care about what I’m doing and want to follow my progression can do so with a poetry book.
I’m sure they’ll be worth millions one day 😉 x o x