what a ride!

From New York to San Francisco to Sydney to Brisbane... back to Australia I come! I am presently getting past the state of zombie that occurs when I somehow lose a day in the sky and the clock does all sorts of crazy things... hopefully by tomorrow I will adequately catch my breath. I returned to a cloudy sky and the remanence of some recent summer storms lingering in the air. The atmosphere feels sticky and is glowing an electric green unique...

i think this part’s important

Alright blog family... it is the official final leg of this particular NYC visit. The excitement of returning to Australia is churning in my belly for many many reasons... too many to list in fact. On that note, it's been some time since we've had a top 10, I reckon one's due! TOP 10 REASONS I'M EXCITED TO RETURN TO AUSTRALIA 10. Summer 9. Being able to get an Aussie beer that isn't Fosters 8. Moving back to Melbourne from Brisbane 7. Getting...

Australia Day & are you sure about this

HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY! Although the festivities have concluded on official Oz time, we're just setting off in my current hemisphere of residence. Aussie Aussie Aussie!!! It's too cold for a barbeque, but I will still fry up a vegetarian sausage for lunch out of respect. Some Aussies might say a vegetarian sausage is very un-Australian of me... but what can I say? ... I'm progressive. Speaking of un-Australian, I read an article yesterday posted on...

15 sleeps til Australia

After my episode last week I've sorted myself out and am ready to return to the world of down under... I shall swap my main header from 'FollowMeToNYC' to read 'and back to AUSTRALIA' and we'll take it from there! When I started this back in September I had no idea what I was doing other than going back to NYC to write... and I've done just that. The only thing that I didn't do during my trip that I was betting on was promote myself to...

veronicas suck sucky sisters

These four words are the top four google searches that have directed people to my webpage... LOL!!! As my Aussie tribe would say ...On ya Google! It's comforting to see my literary potential being discovered by fellow appreciators of the word 'suck'. And as someone with four sisters of my own, I'd rather not think about the premise one might google 'sucky sisters'... they must have been trying to find the Kardashians. I state with pride that...
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