bermuda. my love. life.

Namaste blog family I'm back in Bermuda at the moment. As I've mentioned, work has required me to travel here from time to time over the past 12 months. One day I hope to holiday here. Work days are super long when I visit these parts. I work until midnight usually and return to the office at eight. It's a good thing I love my job, otherwise... I might be cranky. Alas, work no longer makes me cranky. Working in the guts of New York City (and of...


I've been yakking since 2010 about how I heart social media. Here is my social media story of today... with photos: This morning I was wandering Peanut through Central Park, as we do every day, when I snapped a lovely click of The Plaza. I have many special reasons for hearting The Plaza. Special memories. Like writing poetry on honeymoon with husband two... before it went pear-shaped. And attending a charity gala with my bestie. I digress. So I...

accompany lack of concern

accompany (lack of) concern our atmosphere heats and i am sweating, i am looking for a way to cool down. there are people on the streets blinking at you until you agree. i continue. too... exhale. i sigh heavily, unfortunately noticed. taking note of the occasional voice penetrating perpetual rhythm, yet, resisting. i’m tapping my foot. i’m not. i mean. i would never mention the IMPACT left. scarred in another shade of purple that i will...

gadgets and gadgets oh my

Well, I snapped blog family. After about two months, I am once again with phone. Truth be told, the talking bits weren't what I missed... I missed the gadgety bits... particularly the camera. Naturally, I've already thrown my new phone once - I'm glad I got that out of the way quickly. There's a big old chip on the top corner. It made me smile, various imperfections please me in an odd way. While I was running around the Mac store on 5th Avenue...

joel salsa. let’s dance.

I'm always on about learning new things, like going back to school for a third degree or learning to speak Italian. Yesterday was my first Salsa lesson! I wore pretty, glittery shoes with special, slippy dance bottoms and wiggled around an eighth avenue studio with about 13 other soon-to-be Salsa-ers. I don't think you ordinarily wiggle when dancing Salsa, but it was my first lesson. I mostly wiggled during the turns... SO MUCH FUN BLOG TRIBE!...
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