joel salsa. let’s dance.

I’m always on about learning new things, like going back to school for a third degree or learning to speak Italian.

DSCN4734Yesterday was my first Salsa lesson! I wore pretty, glittery shoes with special, slippy dance bottoms and wiggled around an eighth avenue studio with about 13 other soon-to-be Salsa-ers.

I don’t think you ordinarily wiggle when dancing Salsa, but it was my first lesson. I mostly wiggled during the turns…


For the next eight weeks, twice a week, I will continue my lessons at Joel Salsa. The instructors were energetic and endearing, even in front of a group of shy, left-footed newbies. By the end of the night I was spinning, sidestepping and hip-shaking all over.


In the meantime, I’ve re-written the first chapter of Novel… ah-gain. And I started framing a short story yesterday that I shall post later on.

My Aunt suggested some animal shelters around where I might rescue a friend for Peanut:

donna belott

HI Gretchen. Love to hear about all you are doing! Please look out for our shelter here in NJ. We just took in dogs from Newark and a kill shelter in South Carolina. The shelter is Father John’s Animal House. Would love to help you out. Also the Mayors Alliance, in NYC.

Love, Aunt Donna

So I shall be scoping these new lands shortly for our latest furry cult affiliate.

… in between salsa dancing.

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