50 000 nothing. 50 percent feed. Row.

Supposedly a website is kind of important once it gets 50 000 visits a day. I learned that recently watching Wall Street 2. A few days away from my 400th consecutive post we've gathered a few hundred cult members to stop by for a daily word dance. However the illest thing is that half of you have subscribed to the RSS feed which means without a shadow of a doubt we're liaising on a daily basis. I think that is so very cool. Shout out to tribal...

clicks of inspiration

Since kicking off my site just over a year ago, cult members consistently say that I inspire them. I've mentioned this in previous posts, and every time a new wave comes through contacting me with conversations like 'Thank you so much for what you do, following you has renewed my interest in writing,' I'm left in speechless spins of joy that steer me toward my laptop and get my fingers clicking. It's not always as easy as I might be making it...

SoleGC, a crew of Artists, a night for Writers

In the company of SoleGCand a gathering of Writers and all things creative, last night kicked off the first official WRITERS NIGHT I am hosting in conjunction with Bananafish Magazine. The purpose of the night is to gather Writers to share work, network, inspire, love, create, and be surrounded by other language  Artists and appreciators. With no cover charge. Last night we succeeded doing this and it was an honor to host a crowd of such...

day one. year two. WRITERS’ NIGHT.

Dear blog family Today kicks of YEAR TWO of FollowMeToNYC in action. Obviously I've diced my idea of featuring a novel here this year... I'm kind of digging the site as track of my up-to-s as a Writer. The fact that the premier of the Writers' Night I am MCing in Astoria happens to fall on day one of year two of this mission is incredible, especially considering the night was supposed to start last week but got pushed ahead. I've met three...

365. in the thick.

Alright my cult of all things tasty. Yesterday's video clip was post 365 on this bad boy. When you reside in two hemispheres as I do, flying all over does mysterious things. Somehow I gained an extra day in the year... and then there was the time I posted twice in one day over my book. So technically tomorrow brings us to a year of posts... I'm saying. Days are soaring. I am meeting incredible people, painting with words, stomping the...
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