business partner

Regular readers from way back when have likely read a rant or five about the Retreat I will open one day. I have this whole healing, creative, musical, organic farm land in mind. I think after my first marriage fell apart, I put it on the back burner. Because worse than losing a husband who was shitty to me anyways, I lost a business parter. A potential investor. I have had all kinds of crazy ideas to fund the Retreat from poetry books to...

why blue pearl veterinary sucks

Hudson Animal Hospital and Blue Pearl Veterinary Partners suck. Here's why: Most of you are aware of mangy Fronkles  - who I rescued over the summer, from a pound camper parked on 82nd Street. Fronkles is the first New York City pound dog I saved. I can only imagine the conditions he was in. I never thought about mange before, because I never rescued a neglected puppy before. From the research I'e done, mange makes perfect sense. Frankie was in...

a snowy sea of smiles

This is the last time I was happy, February 2012. After that, things all went pear-shaped again while I continued to fight the good fight and find a place for myself in this town. I'm proud to report that three weeks have gone by now, nearly three, and I haven't felt unsteady or crash-like. The way I put it to my best friend in Colorado over the weekend was that "I feel suspiciously happy." Then we talked about how someone possibly put a curse...

R.I.P Syliva Browne.

While I was running around Colorado last week, I learned of Sylvia Browne's passing on 20 November, eleven days ago. Sylvia Browne lived a life to be celebrated. Cynics and skeptics were never her issue. While crowds of haters picked out every false prediction Sylvia made, she was writing amazing books about her experiences and opinions as a Medium - and starting a church. Regardless of how anyone feels about the nature of her work, Sylvia...
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