split decision. ricardo perez jr.

Many of us are already aware how tight I stay with Rick. The opportuity to review his latest publication is a blessing. Split Decision, by the wildly talented Ricardo Perez Jr. is a collection of faith, intelligence, love and ideas. The book paints the frame of a passionate life with words that make you lean closer toward the page. Something unique about Rick's writing is his ability to craft different styles. Throughout the book, tones rise and...

post halloween. praise friday.

I am very happy that it is Friday blog family. Alas, my book proposal is still not finished. While this sort of sucks, I'm still proud of what I've put together over the past 12 days. 12 days isn't really that long seeing as I've been ranting about coming to New York City to get published for over four years now. What I need is a weekend in the country. And that is exactly where I'm off to after work today. Praise Friday! Halloween was fun....

click. date.

I decide to start to collecting lovers again. With a smart phone, in New York City, it’s simple. www.click.person. The first response comes from Kentucky, but he was actually born in Washington State. “I grew up in Indiana though.” He owns a tattoo studio in Harlem. “And I deal drugs.” I wonder if he knew that I do days as a chief officer, he would still be so blunt. Not that it makes any difference to me. In my experience, selling...

four year anniversary

Today is the four year anniversary of FollowMeToNYC. Four years ago today, I was sitting in an Australian farmhouse in Oxley, Queensland getting ready to quit my job and figure out how to relocate my life 10,000 miles from where I was - drinking coffee out an I (heart) NYC mug. Today I am sitting on the balcony of  a midtown Manhattan luxury high-rise, with puppies at my feet. Surviving as a professional Writer, living a life I hardly saw...

back in the city! post. birthday.

Dear Blog Family My birthday was epic! It went on for a record period of time and there were lots of things that happened during it. Nearly four years into blahg-ville, I can't possibly be dishonest about what went down over the past 48-hours. On the actual day of my birthday, I woke up in the morning and sobbed into my journal. I sobbed over a few Christmas pasts and I also spent five to ten minutes boo-hooing over the present state of general...
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